Board Member


Mr. Faisal Al-Quraishi is a Chairman in Ali Zaid Alquraishi & Brothers Co., WESCOSA Co., Tawkilat Financing Co., United Motors Co, Saudi Electric Industries Co., and a Founding Member and Director in Kanaf Charity Association. Mr.Al-Quraishi holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Pepperdine University, CA, USA and a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
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ü I certify that all information submitted in this request is correct, and it is completely identical to my personal information, and I am responsible for any incorrect information.

ü Submission of the membership request form does not mean approval and issuing of the membership where the request is subject to procedures and review.

ü In case of the membership request is rejected, the fees will be returned to your bank account without explaining the reasons for rejection.

ü The process of membership approval might take from 15 to 30 working days.

Terms & Conditions

ü I certify that all information submitted in this request is correct, and it is completely identical to my personal information, and I am responsible for any incorrect information.

ü Submission of the membership request form does not mean approval and issuing of the membership where the request is subject to procedures and review.

ü In case of the membership request is rejected, the fees will be returned to your bank account without explaining the reasons for rejection.

ü The process of membership approval might take from 15 to 30 working days.