Board Member & The Advisor to the Chairman of Saudi Aviation Club


Mr. Ayed Al Kasme is a Vice President of the International Federation of Aviation in the Middle East and Africa. Founder and chairman of the board of directors of SAC for training. Founder of YES (Your English Solution) Institute for English Language Learning. Additionally, He is a member of the American Management Association, the American Association for Training and Development, the Saudi Management Association, the Board of Directors of Saudi HEPCO company, the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), the Experimental Aircraft Association, and the Cirrus Owners & Pilots Association. Mr. Ayed Alkaseme holds a Business Administration bachelor’s degree in Accounting from King Saud University and has over 800 flying hours on many types of aircraft, single & multi-engine.
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ü I certify that all information submitted in this request is correct, and it is completely identical to my personal information, and I am responsible for any incorrect information.

ü Submission of the membership request form does not mean approval and issuing of the membership where the request is subject to procedures and review.

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ü The process of membership approval might take from 15 to 30 working days.